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The North Wind Was a Woman
David Bruce

David Bruce

The North Wind Was a Woman

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Signum Classics
UPC: 0635212059920
Catnr: SIGCD 599
Release date: 30 August 2019
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Signum Classics
Catalogue number
Release date
30 August 2019

About the album

The three pieces on this disc represent David Bruce’s highly personal musical and spiritual responses to nature.

Cymbeline (an old Celtic word meaning ‘Lord of the Sun’) draws on ancient religious attitudes to the sun, and is framed as a trinity of birth, life and death, as represented by sunrise, noon and sunset.

The North Wind was a Woman song cycle treats various aspects of nature as human characters, as if they were manifestations of human emotions. So the North Wind for example, is a jilted lover who ‘rattles your windows, bangs at your doors’. Scored for a folk-imbued ensemble, featuring prominent parts for mandolin and harp, the cycle ranges from the wild rage ofthe ‘lunatic moon’ to the sombre and tender loneliness of the mountain contemplating her only friend throughout the years – the night sky.

The Consolation of Rain is a moving reflection on loss and the restorative power of nature. When a loved one passes away the atoms of their body literally become part of the natural world, which means that just by observing nature, rain, weather, youare in a very real sense ‘with your loved one’; a fact which is immensely consoling.

De drie stukken op dit album vertegenwoordigen David Bruces zeer persoonlijke muzikale en spirtuele antwoorden op de natuur.

Cymbeline (een oud Keltisch woord dat ‘Heer van de Zon’ betekent) put inspiratie uit oude religieuze houdingen ten opzichte van de zon, en is een drie-eenheid van geboorte, leven en dood, vertegenwoordigd door zonsopkomst, middag en zonsondergang.

De liedcylcus The North Wind was a Woman behandelt verschillende aspecten uit de natuur als menselijke personages, alsof ze manifestaties van menselijke emoties zijn. De noordenwind is bijvoorbeeld een afgewezen minnaar die “je ramen laat rammelen en tegen je deuren slaat.” De cyclus is geschreven voor een ensemble met volksinvloeden, met prominente partijen voor de mandoline en de harp, en reikt van de wilde woede van de ‘krankzinnige maan’ tot de sombere en tedere eenzaamheid van de berg die nadenkt over haar enige vriend – de nachtlucht.

The Consolation of Rain is een ontroerende reflectie over verlies en de herstellende kracht van de natuur. Wanneer een geliefde overlijdt worden de atomen van hun lichaam letterlijk onderdeel van de natuurlijke wereld, wat betekent dat je echt ‘met je geliefde’ kunt zijn door de natuur, de regen en het weer te observeren; een feit dat zeer troostend is.


David Bruce

Born in Stamford, Connecticut in 1970, composer David Bruce grew up in England and now enjoys a growing reputation on both sides of the Atlantic. In the 2013/14 season David was Associate Composer of the San Diego Symphony, for whom he wrote three pieces, including Night Parade for the orchestra's highly successful Carnegie Hall debut in October 2013; and the violin concerto Fragile Light for Gil Shaham for 2014. His fourth Carnegie Hall commission That Time with You (2013) for mezzo-soprano Kelley O'Connor follows Steampunk (2011), Gumboots (2008) and Piosenki (2006), which have all gone on to be widely performed by leading ensembles around the world. In the UK, David's piece Sidechaining was featured in the 2018 BBC Proms, he was 2012-13...
Born in Stamford, Connecticut in 1970, composer David Bruce grew up in England and now enjoys a growing reputation on both sides of the Atlantic. In the 2013/14 season David was Associate Composer of the San Diego Symphony, for whom he wrote three pieces, including Night Parade for the orchestra's highly successful Carnegie Hall debut in October 2013; and the violin concerto Fragile Light for Gil Shaham for 2014. His fourth Carnegie Hall commission That Time with You (2013) for mezzo-soprano Kelley O'Connor follows Steampunk (2011), Gumboots (2008) and Piosenki (2006), which have all gone on to be widely performed by leading ensembles around the world.
In the UK, David's piece Sidechaining was featured in the 2018 BBC Proms, he was 2012-13 Composer-in-Residence with the Royal Opera House, who co-commissioned with Glyndebourne the opera Nothing (after the book by Janne Teller), which premiered in Glyndebourne in February 2016. Bruce's chamber opera The Firework Maker's Daughter (after the Philip Pullman story) toured the UK and New York in 2013. It was revived for a 27-performance run at ROH Lindbury Studios in December 2015.



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